Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23, 2015


This week was a little hard. We had trouble finding new investigators and the only one we found was an evangelist guy who is very active in his church but really friendly and happy to talk to us. It was interesting because he basically knows the bible inside and out and so in the part of the lesson where we mention James 1:5, he said it from memory. It was cool. Then we visited our three investigators families and taught some good lessons. Elder Ortolano and I are practicing the missionary lessons a lot and also inviting people to baptism. I had him invite our investigators to baptism and he was nervous but did a good job. He is learning quickly and has a lot of excitement for helping out. He speaks Spanish pretty well and has a good testimony so he helps out alot. My responsibilities as a trainer are the same as a senior comp plus I have to train my greenie with a 12 week program which is basically one extra hour hour of studies in the morning.

The weather in Argentina changed super quickly. During the week it was between 30-33 degrees Celsius and then Saturday it dropped to 20-24 degrees. It was a weird change and everyone was freaking out a little bit. I am glad that is finally getting colder. I didn´t like the heat that much.

We are having a lot of success with less actives in my ward. We finally got all of the Galeano family to go to church and the father blessed the sacrament for the first time in a LONG time. It was cool to see that he is always applying the doctrine to his life and continues to be an example to his family.

The ward is doing great and I love the mission, exciting things are happening and I am so happy to be a part of the Lord´s work at this time!

Have a great week!

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